Fields and forms

There are a number of field classes for conveniently using FileNode objects in your own Django applications.

The following example model contains a ForeignKey field linking to a FileNode object that is associated to a document file. Notice the parameters specifying which media types will be validated, and which should be visible in the widget:

from media_tree.fields import FileNodeForeignKey
from media_tree import media_types
from media_tree.models import FileNode
from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    document = FileNodeForeignKey(allowed_media_types=(media_types.DOCUMENT,),
        null=True, limit_choices_to={'media_type__in':
        (FileNode.FOLDER, media_types.DOCUMENT)})

The following example model will allow the user to select a FileNode object associated to an image file:

from media_tree.fields import ImageFileNodeForeignKey
from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    image_node = ImageFileNodeForeignKey(null=True)

The following example form will allow the user to select files that are under a specific parent folder named “Projects”:

from media_tree.models import FileNode
from media_tree.fields import FileNodeChoiceField
from django import forms

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    file_node = FileNodeChoiceField(queryset=FileNode.objects.get(
        name="Projects", node_type=FileNode.FOLDER).get_descendants())

For your own applications, the following field classes are available: